
Start here - How to setup the app

To set up the watch app, you should first be aware of some details.

1. To allow communication over the Internet API, you must log in to your Tesla account in the mobile app that comes with the watch app. The mobile app uses a web view to open Tesla's official website for secure authorization, and therefore the mobile app will never be able to see what you type on this website. This means that your credentials are safe. Once the login is approved, the mobile app receives an authorization token that is transferred to the watch app when it is opened for the first time.
2. The new official API from Tesla offers two additional safety measures for communicating over the internet. First, you need to give the app access to your account. This grant can be revoked at any time from the Tesla account's admin page. Secondly, a virtual key must be registered in your vehicle. This is necessary for the vehicle to decrypt commands sent from the app.
3. Follow the instructions in the FAQ section "Important Login Information" for details on this.
4. The app can also communicate directly with your vehicle via Bluetooth. This is known as the Bluetooth key (or Tesla key). To use this functionality, you must pair a second key with the vehicle. Do not confuse this with the virtual key used by the Internet communication.
5. To activate the Bluetooth key, you need to pair the watch app with the vehicle. This pairing is initiated from the Tesla Key settings in the watch app (App Menu -> Tesla Key -> Enable), and must be performed while seated in the vehicle and with your key card ready for verification. Follow the instructions provided by the watch app when enabling the Tesla key.
6. Follow the instructions in the FAQ section "How to enable the Bluetooth key" for details on this.
7. The app can also be used as a key card by using the NFC chip on your watch. If you already signed in, and also paired the Bluetooth key, NFC is enabled and ready to go. Simply tap the B-pillar and/or center console with the watch to unlock/lock and drive.
8. If you only want to use the watch as a key card, and not log into the main app or use the Bluetooth key, you can pair the watch as a key card via the Locks section in the vehicle's user interface. This is done in the same way as if you bought a new key card from Tesla. The only prerequisite is to open the watch app once to generate and save the encrypted key used by the NFC communication. You do not need to log in to the companion app or the watch app. Just open it once, accept the disclaimer, and close it again. The app must be kept installed on your watch for this to continue to work.
9. Follow the instructions in the FAQ section "How to enable the NFC key" for details on this.
10. If you later decide to pair the Bluetooth key, remember to remove the old NFC key from the vehicle's user interface before starting the Bluetooth pairing process, otherwise the Bluetooth key may not work because the key generated by the watch app is already in use by the NFC key. When you add the Bluetooth key, you also add the NFC functionality back.

After you have logged in successfully on the watch, you no longer need the mobile app installed. However, it is recommended to keep it on your phone in case you need to sign in again, e.g. due to a password change at Tesla.com.

Important login information!

Starting 2024 the new official API from Tesla is mandatory for all vehicles. With the exception of older models of the S and X, commands sent to the vehicle will also require a new vehicle command protocol using a virtual key for end-to-end encryption.

Sadly, logins from Mainland China are not currently supported.

Please, follow these steps carefully:
1. If you are already logged in on the watch app, go to App Menu -> App Settings -> Log Out. This is IMPORTANT!!!
2. Open the companion mobile app and click Sign in.
3. Select the correct region for your vehicle.
4. Log in to your Tesla account using your Tesla credentials.
5. Give app access to ALL categories. This step ONLY appears during the first sign in unless you did not select all categories the first time. To add or change grants later, visit your Tesla account and sign in again. Read more about grant categories and what they do here.
6. A message will pop up telling you to enroll the virtual key onto your vehicle. If you own a Model 3, Y or a newer Model S or X, read step 7 before you click OPEN. If you own a legacy Model S or X (pre 2021) you can click CANCEL and proceed at step 9.
7. To use the new vehicle command protocol and send encrypted commands over the internet to your vehicle, a virtual key must be downloaded from your official Tesla app and on to the vehicle. Before proceeding, open your official Tesla app AND select the vehicle you want to transfer the virtual key onto. Go back to the DRIVE phone app and click OPEN on the pop up message from step 6. Once clicked, the official app will reappear and you can continue the enrollment process from there (see bug warning below). If you have multiple vehicles, repeat this step by choosing the correct vehicle in the official app before enrolling the key. PS! Users with driver status must complete this process using their key card in the vehicle to confirm.
8. Once the key is registered in the vehicle (named "drive.klokkprojects.no" in the Locks menu), make sure the DRIVE phone app is still open.
9. Open the watch app and complete the login from there. This will transfer the necessary tokens from the phone app to the watch app. If you were previously logged in on the watch app, see step 1 to get new tokens transferred to the watch.
10. Optional: Go to app settings in the watch app and make sure the setting for the Secure (Beta) Protocol is enabled. This enables the end-to-end encryption used when sending commands to the vehicle. If your vehicle is not yet converted to the new protocol, this setting might need to be disabled. The setting is enabled by default.
11. Now take a deep breath and enjoy.

How to sign in on DRIVE Electric for Tesla (new)

How to sign in on DRIVE Electric for Tesla (old)

BUG WARNING: If you are presented with a screen telling you to download the Tesla app, even though you have it downloaded, clicking the blue button labeled "Finish Setup" may not help. Instead, click on the small Tesla app icon or the vertical menu icon with three dots in the upper right corner (select "Open on Tesla"). If you can't find it, you may need a different phone browser, preferrably Chrome. Another solution is to open this link (https://tesla.com/_ak/drive.klokkprojects.no) in a browser on your computer. A QR code will then appear which can be scanned by your phone. Then the Tesla mobile app should open correctly and you can complete the setup. This is a bug in Tesla's official "Set Up Third-Party" website caused by incompatible phone browsers…

Rationale behind the subscription fee

In February 2025, Tesla chose to put their Fleet API behind a very expensive paywall. This means that the API is not available without paying an amount each time it is used. Each endpoint has different costs. A wake-up is much more expensive than, for example, a command. Previously, all this use has been free and has therefore not been included in the calculation for the pricing of the app.

The base price for the app is approximately what it costs to buy an additional key card in the Tesla shop, which currently costs $25 for two. The NFC functionality alone covers the base price for the app. In addition, you get a full-fledged app that works over Bluetooth. The price of the subscription is set at the price it costs with an average of two wake-ups and two commands per day. If you use the app more, we have to pay for it. Also remember that Google takes 15% of both the purchase and the subscription cost.

But this is fraud! Why don't you honor customers who have already purchased the app? Is this even legal?

First of all, if we took this approach, we would have gone bankrupt within a few months. Secondly, the following has been on the app's Play Store listing at all times:

"The car manufacturer can at any point render this app useless by altering, stopping access to, or by any other means restricting access to the APIs used by this app. No refund will be given. Keep your official phone app available at all times."
"Please read and accept the disclaimer on the watch before use."

You have already accepted this risk, and this is exactly what happened. Tesla restricted API access. At first, it seemed that the price for using this API was so expensive that it could not be used. But after requests from several users, we realized that we could open it up for use through a subscription plan. We will not make a single penny from this. The profit from this plan will help cover what we have to pay Tesla. We will probably lose money on this solution. Most of all due to a decline in overall sales.

Below is a breakdown of the Fleet API-prices set forth by Tesla.
Wakes: 50/$1 = $0.02 per wake
Data: 500/$1 = $0.002 per data pull
Commands: 1000/$1 = $0.001 per command

Typical use case example: I use the app to start the climate twice a day!
Wakes: 2 times x 30 days x $0.02 = $1.2
Data: 4 times x 30 days x $0.002 = $0.24
Commands: 2 times x 30 days x $0.001 = $0.06

Total = $1,5

General usage tips

Main screen:
- To quickly maneuver to the climate and charging section, click on the field where you see small arrows. The double arrow moves you all the way down to the Charging section, the single arrow moves you down to the Climate section.
- To enter the app menu, swipe down from the center of the screen. Then quickly tap on the blue tab that appears from the top of the screen. Be careful not to swipe from the top of the screen. This will open up the built-in watch menu instead.
- The app menu gives you access to six submenus, including app settings and bluetooth key settings.
- To avoid accidental clicks on the shortcut commands, enable the confirmation screen in app settings. When enabled, you can still bypass the confirmation screen by long-pressing the shortcuts.
- Click the 6-dot icon to enter the command menu. You can easily change the layout of this command menu in app settings. It offers a list or grid view with or without colors.
- The top right shortcut of the main screen defaults to the Bluetooth key status icon, but can change to show other prioritized statuses, such as when new software is available. Press the shortcut to enter the corresponding views.
- If you are sitting in the car and listening to music, you will see a note icon. Tap it to display the media screen.
- To switch between charging and current limits in the charging section, tap on the value field. You will see a small circle arrow icon to indicate the field to press.
- If you have activated the sleep mode setting and the information is out of date and grayed out, tap the charge value to wake up the vehicle and provide new information. You will see a small circle arrow icon to indicate the field to press.

- Use Tiles for quick access to commands. Add tiles using the watch's official companion app or from the end of the tile carousel. If you sort them as the first tile, you only need to do one swipe from the watch face to access the tile.
- The main Drive tile can be configured to contain any commands you want. Rearrange the commands to your liking from the app settings.
- If you have configured the Bluetooth key, swiping to one of the Drive tiles will initiate a connection to the vehicle after approx. 2 seconds. If you activated any auto-commands in the Bluetooth key settings, these will be executed when the connection is made. The two seconds are there to give you the opportunity to swipe to the next tile without starting any connection. Remember you must wait until the tile shows connected before you can issue immediate commands over Bluetooth, otherwise the commands will be sent over the internet causing slower response times.

App not working - Checklist

Every step in the new login procedure described in the section 'Important login information' must be followed. If you find the watch app not working after signing in, please run through this checklist.

1. Make sure you granted the app full access to your account. Log in to this page and make sure the app DRIVE Electric appears on your account. Click manage and check that the 5 topmost categories are selected. If not, select them and save. After a new Sign In, remember to log out from the watch app to retrieve new tokens with the updated grants, see step 4.
2. Make sure you enrolled the virtual key on to your vehicle. Open the Locks section in your vehicle's UI. A key with the name 'drive.klokkprojects.no' should be visible. If the key is not there, open up your official Tesla app, select the correct vehicle and wake it up. Click on this link on your phone to start the enrollment process on your Tesla app. You can also click the enroll key button in the phone app. Check again if the key is visible in the vehicle UI. You might find another key called 'DRIVE Electric for Tesla' or 'Unknown Key', this is the paired Bluetooth key and NOT the one we are looking for here.
3. Make sure you enabled the Secure (Beta) Protocol in app settings on the watch. If this is already enabled, try disabling the setting instead. Not all vehicles are converted to the new required protocol by Tesla yet. This will happen gradually as Tesla roll out the requirement to individual accounts/vehicles.
4. After signing in on the phone app again, please remember to log out from the watch app to fetch the new tokens from the phone. You can log out from app settings (main app -> app menu (blue tab) -> app settings (gear icon) -> Log out. When you log out the app will automatically fetch the new API region and tokens from the phone app. Just signing in on the phone app won't change anything on the watch unless you log out.

How to enable the Bluetooth key?

To enable the Bluetooth key, go to App Menu -> Tesla Key (icon showing vehicle with key on top) -> Enable. Follow the instructions given.

Look at this YouTube video to learn how to connect and whitelist the Bluetooth key. Please note that enabling the Bluetooth key also enables the NFC key.

How to enable the Bluetooth Tesla Key

PS! If you enabled the NFC key before you enabled the Bluetooth key, please delete the NFC key from the vehicle's UI before proceeding with registering the Bluetooth Key. Go to vehicle UI -> Settings -> Locks -> and delete the NFC key. Otherwise, the Bluetooth key won’t work.

PS! If the Tesla Key won't connect to the vehicle, read the question - What does 'Use BLE filter' in app settings mean?

How to enable the NFC key?

The NFC key works like a Key Card. If you have paired the Bluetooth key, the NFC key is already enabled and ready to go. If you only want the NFC key, and not the Bluetooth key, you must add it from the vehicle's Locks menu.

Please note that enabling the NFC key, like in this example, won't enable the Bluetooth key. A preferred way of enabling the NFC key is to pair the Bluetooth Key first. This will also enable the NFC key.

Look at this video to learn how to connect the NFC key only:

How to use your watch as a NFC KeyCard

Also be adviced that for some watch brands/models with OS version prior to WearOS 4.0, the watch display must be on when tapping the B-pillar. Some brands also shuts down the NFC-chip when the battery saver feature is turned on.

When the NFC key is enabled you don't have to stay signed in to the app. If you only want to use the NFC feature, and not the app itself, you only need to start the app once after installing it, without signing in. Then follow the instructions above.

I'm getting "Premium Plan needed!" or "Fleet-API restricted"

Starting February 2025 Tesla will start charging developers for access to the Fleet API. From this point the app will no longer be able to connect to the vehicle remotely. Please set up the Tesla Key to communicate with the vehicle when nearby.

By subscribing to the Premium Plan you will regain remote access to the vehicle. For legacy Tesla models without BLE hardware, this plan will be required to avoid losing the ability to communicate with the vehicle completely.

I'm getting "Too many requests. Try again in..."

This means that the account or server is rate limited. This happens when too many requests are made by an account. The Tesla Fleet API is based on a monthly subscription plan. Currently they offer only a temporary free Discovery plan, but this will change in the near future.

The current limits are:
- Wake limits - 15 request /day
- Device data limits - 200 request /day
- Commands limits - 50 request /day
- Charging commands - 5 request /day

I'm getting (997) Virtual key not enrolled in vehicle

This means that you missed out on the last step of the new sign in process and did not complete the enrollment of the virtual key.
Please read the above section "Commands are not working after converting to the official API", bullet point 2.

I'm getting "Tesla Vehicle Command Protocol required!"

This means that your vehicle is expecting encrypted commands from the app. Probably the Secure (Beta) Protocol setting in the watch app settings is disabled.
Please read the above section "Commands are not working after converting to the official API", bullet point 3.

I'm getting 401/403 return codes while using the app

In most cases this is due to Tesla phasing out the unofficial API used by third-party apps. Tesla will gradually convert vehicles to the new official API during late 2023 and early 2024. To switch from the old API to the new one, you must first log out of the watch app and then sign back in using the phone app. To improve the security and control for users of third-party applications, some additional steps are required while signing in. First, you must give the app access to your Tesla account. After logging in, the phone app will ask you to grant access to various scopes/categories. In order for the app to work, you must grant access to ALL the categories requested by the app. You then need to start a process to transfer a virtual key to the vehicle. This is done from the official Tesla app, but initiated from the DRIVE app. You must approve this key transfer before the car can receive encrypted messages from the watch app.

Meaning of the return codes - assuming you HAVE converted to the new API:
401 - unauthorized - This means that your credentials are invalid (token expired or otherwise invalidated). Have you changed password?
403 - forbidden - This means that the app does not have access to your account or vehicle. Have you granted access to ALL the required scopes?

Is it safe to enter my credentials when I sign in?

Although in some cases it is a healthy attitude to be skeptical of third-party applications, I will try to convince you why this app is safe.

First of all, this app is now an officially approved partner, using the official API made by Tesla. There are no proxy servers involved, so no communication takes place via servers that the developer has any access to. When the app is downloaded to your phone and watch, all communication takes place directly between your device and Tesla.
When you use the phone app to log in, the phone app will open an SSL-encoded web view directly to Tesla's own SSO service. This ensures that your credentials are not visible to the phone app, but entered directly on Tesla's own website. The only thing transferred from your phone to your watch is an access/refresh token used to identify you against the official Tesla API. Since most of the vehicles in Tesla's fleet now require end-to-end encryption, this token cannot be used to send commands to the car alone. First, as the car's owner, you must approve a virtual key transferred to your car. This can only be done from the official Tesla app. Only encrypted commands sent from the DRIVE watch app can be decrypted with this key. A stray token, without further access to your credentials, can not be used to open or drive your car. You have full access to remove access linked to this token from your Tesla account. Also, the token only has a lifetime of 8 hours before it needs to be renewed. This renewal is automatically handled by the watch when required.

My phone app token expired. Do I need to renew it?

Not unless your watch app tells you to. The phone app is only used to retrieve a one-time access and refresh token and transfer it to the watch app. You will have approx. 8 hours to transfer this token from the phone to the watch. After that the token will expire on the phone app and can not be used. After a successful token transfer from the phone app to the watch app, the watch app will automatically renew the token by itself when needed. The phone app is only needed again if your watch app logs you out for some reason. This can happen if you change your password at Tesla.com, or if Tesla invalidates the token for any other reason. In this case you must sign in again on your phone app and transfer the new token to the watch app.

If the watch app repeatedly asks you to log in again after approx. 8 hours, read Q: "After signing in, the watch app keeps asking me to log in again". If this is not working, you may have to change password at Tesla.com

After signing in, the watch app keeps asking me to log in again

Some of you are experiencing a "login loop" between the phone app and the watch app. The reason for this is that the token generated by the phone app, which is transferred to your watch, does not have the necessary grants to your account. The first time you log in, you will be asked to grant the app various accesses to your account. If you do not tick off all the grants that the app asks for, the watch app will not have access to list available cars from your account (for example). The watch app will then ask you to log in again and check the app accesses. The problem is that you won't be asked by Tesla again to grant access to your account, as it has already been done. You must first remove the old access from your account before you are asked again the next time you log in. This can be perceived as a loop and an app error. You can change these accesses from your Tesla account at Tesla.com.

Does this app share location and audio with third-parties?

No. However, location is used to present the vehicle on Google Maps and Audio is used for voice commands. The app is also sending anonymous app statistics to Firebase Crashlytics to give us insigth into app failures and usage. Absolutely no user credentials, or any other data whatsoever, is sent to the developer or other third parties.

Please refer to the Privacy Policy to learn more.

Where do I find the app?

The app is found on Google Play Store. Once purchased, the companion phone app is installed on your Android phone and the watch app is installed on the smartwatch. If only the phone app is installed after purchase, please look for the "available on more devices" pull-down menu and install the watch app from there. You can also search for DRIVE Electric for Tesla on the Google Play Store app installed on your smartwatch and download it from there.

Please make sure your watch device is compatible and runs Wear OS before purchase!

DRIVE Electric for Tesla on Play Store

How can I try out the app or get a refund?

Most paid apps on Google Play can be refunded within 48 hours by yourself. This will give you plenty of time to try out the app. You can initiate a refund from the app's listing in Google Play anytime within those 48 hours. Contact us by email if the refund button is not showing within those 48 hours. We will need the order id starting with GPA.xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx, or your receipt in full.

Learn more about refunds on Google Play here.

How do I access the app menu?

Swipe down from the center of the main screen and quickly tap the blue tab that appears at the top. This opens up the app menu. From there you will have 6 choices:

1. Vehicle information
2. Select vehicle
3. Manage Bluetooth key
4. Locate vehicle
5. Summon (or compass view)
6. App settings

Tip: To avoid opening the watch's official quick menu, swipe down from the center of the screen. Do not swipe down from the top of the screen.

How can I disable the PIN code?

This can be done from app menu -> app settings -> disable PIN. If you forgot your PIN and can’t access the app, then you need to uninstall the app and install it again, alternatively clear the app's data and cache.

The PIN will also be disabled if you log out.

Does the app support multiple vehicles?

Yes it does. Just swipe left on areas not assigned to shortcuts on the main screen or go to App Menu -> Select Vehicles.
In Tile view, just click on the vehicle name and it will toggle between your vehicles.

Does the Bluetooth key offer different power modes?

All power modes are removed in v5.0.0 due to new power saving restrictions from Google on Wear OS. Long-running background processes are no longer allowed. This means that only the "open app to connect" mode is left, and will become the default and only power mode.

What does 'Use BLE filter' in the Bluetooth key settings mean?

In order to pair the Tesla Key, the app will use Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) to scan for your vehicle. This scan uses a scan filter based on your VIN number to filter out your exact vehicle. Although the use of scan filters is mandatory for background processes, some watch manufacturers do not support them. If you experience that the Tesla Key will not connect when you activate the Tesla Key, try setting this setting to OFF. The app will then scan through all visible BLE devices to find the vehicle. This is a less efficient way than using scan filters, but can help pair the Tesla Key. This setting is ON by default, except for OnePlus devices, where scan filters are known to not work. App v4.6.1 needed.

Can I remove the Bluetooth key icon shown on my watch face?

WearOS 3.0 or earlier:
No. This icon serves as a notification icon when a backgroud process is active, due to the Bluetooth key being enabled. This is tied to the OS and cannot be removed by the app, unless you disable the Bluetooth key.

WearOS 4.0:
Yes. Deny the POST NOTIFICATION permission the first time you enable the Tesla Key, or go to Watch Settings -> Apps & Notifications -> Show All Apps -> DRIVE Electric for Tesla -> disable the Tesla Key Notification category. Sadly, some watch brands have removed the option to disable categories. On these brands you can't remove the notification icon.

Tip: Even though this icon can be annoying, you can use it as a shortcut to open the Drive app. Just tap it...

I have enabled the Bluetooth key, but commands still use a long time to execute. Why?

The main app will fall back into using the internet interface if it fails to connect to the Bluetooth interface. If the vehicle is sleeping, the internet interface must wake up the vehicle before it can receive commands. This sequence will feel like a long delay. The Tiles, however, will only use the Bluetooth interface if it is already connected to the vehicle. Otherwise it will use the internet interface. When swiping to the Tile view, please allow 3-5 seconds to connect to the vehicle before you issue any commands.

If the app fails to connect to the Bluetooth interface, you can tap the Tesla Key icon in the DRIVE Electric tile, or in the app menu, to check the Bluetooth connection. If it won't connect, disable/enable the Bluetooth key (Tesla Key) to force the app to do a full Bluetooth scan. Then try the command again. You can also try to restart your watch, or enable/disable flight mode. This will restart the Bluetooth stack on the watch OS.

If nothing else works, remove the key from the car's user interface, disable and renew the Tesla Key on the watch, and pair it again.

App menu -> Tesla key -> disable.
Vehicle UI -> Locks -> delete the Tesla Key.
App menu -> app settings -> renew the Tesla Key.
App menu -> Tesla Key -> enable again and pair the new key.

My Tesla does not automatically lock when I walk away. Why?

First of all, the 'Walk-Away-Door Lock' option must be enabled in the vehicle's UI. You should also assign the Bluetooth key to your driver profile in the Locks menu; Tap the person icon next to the key to assign it to your profile. Please, also read the driver's manual as there are many conditions that must be met.

Secondly, whether the vehicle will automatically lock or not, depends on the protocol used to unlock the vehicle.

The app uses either NFC, Bluetooth, or the internet connection to unlock the vehicle. They all behave differently.

Think of the protocols like this:
NFC -> same as your key card.
Bluetooth -> same as how the official phone app operates when in range of the vehicle, also known as phone-as-key.
Internet -> same as how the official phone app operates when out of range of the vehicle.

Even when you use the official keys provided by Tesla, the automatic lock feature will only work when you have unlocked the door using the Bluetooth protocol. If you open the vehicle using your key card, you need to lock the vehicle with the key card. It won't automatically lock. The key card is not actively connected to the vehicle, and the vehicle will not know when you walk away. The Bluetooth connection however, is actively connected, and it will know when you leave because the Bluetooth connection eventually breaks. Then it will automatically lock. Once connected the vehicle will automatically lock when you walk away from the vehicle (approx 10m, or 4m with the Auto-Secure Vehicle option set).

PS! If the watch app disconnects before you leave the vehicle, it will not automatically lock. It is always your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle is locked when leaving.

How does OnApproach work?

OnApproach will delay a given command until you approach Bluetooth range of your vehicle. This can be useful when carrying groceries with both hands from the grocery store to the car.

To activate OnApproach, for example to open the trunk:
1. From the OnApproach Tile, click on the trunk command. (tile available from v4.4.5).
2. In the Controls menu, click on the "walking man" icon on the right side of the trunk command if the menu is in list view.
3. In the Controls menu, long press the trunk command if the menu is in grid view (PS! Choose layout in app settings).
4. Answer yes to the confirmation.

This will start a 10 minute long Bluetooth search for your car. As soon as it detects the car, it will open the trunk without you having to do anything.

Please enable the Tesla Key to activate the OnApproach functionality.

Does the app offer Complications?

Yes, the app offers a battery level/time finished complication. You can add it to your favourite watch face by entering the watch face edit mode. The complication will update regularly by its own if the vehicle is online, but it will never wake your vehicle from sleep. The information shown can be outdated. While charging the complication will show the time charging is finished instead of range. You can tap the complication to open the main app.

The availablilty depends on the watch face developer. Some watch faces may filter out 3rd-party complications to have better control over the watch face battery usage.

Does the app offer Tiles?

The app offers 6 different Tiles.
One tile for general commands, two dedicated keyfobs used when the app is connected as a Bluetooth key, one for OnApproach commands and two action button tiles.

Tip 1: Go to App Menu -> App Settings -> Organize Controls Menu, to set the commands you want in the general tile called DRIVE. Just drag and drop commands in the desired order. The six top-most commands in the list will show up in the tile. If the Bluetooth key is enabled, the sixth command will be replaced by the Tesla Key admin. The 1st and 2nd command in the list will show up in the action button 1 and 2 tiles.

Tip 2: Use the official wearable app on your phone to rearrange the DRIVE tiles all the way to the left. This way you only need to swipe once from the watch face to access the first tile.

Tip 3: If you have the Bluetooth key enabled, swiping to a tile will cause the app to start a key connection attempt after approx 2 seconds. Wait for the BT key icon color to change, or for a slight buzz, to know when the key is authenticated and ready to receive commands.

Tip 4: Action button 2 can be converted to an OnApproach action button in the app's settings menu.

Can I rearrange the commands in the Tile or Controls menu?

Yes, go to App Menu -> App Settings -> Organize Controls Menu. Then drag and drop commands in the desired order.

If you use the tile called DRIVE, the six top-most commands in the list will show up in the tile. If the Bluetooth key is enabled, the sixth command will be replaced by the Tesla Key admin.

What is Sleep Mode?

Enabling Sleep Mode is highly recommended and prevents the app from waking up your vehicle when you start the app to check status. Tesla stores the last known information of the vehicle on its servers and Sleep Mode will use this information instead of waking up the vehicle.

Disabling Sleep Mode, however, will make commands faster since the app will wake the vehicle when the app is started instead of waiting until a command is issued.

What does developer mode do?

It depends on the release version. This is intended for the developer and may give some more visual feedback needed when testing the app. It can also activate some new features before they are completely beta tested.

What is Taxi Mode?

Taxi mode will, among other things, activate a menu with more door combinations in the Unlatch Doors tile. You can choose to open both rear doors, or open all doors except the driver door. In Taxi mode this icon replaces the Open Frunk command in the tile. Enable this feature in app settings.

This feature is available from v4.0.7

How do I access the Media controls?

When the vehicle display is turned on and a valid media source selected, a 'music note' will show up in the top icon row on the app's main screen. Tap this icon and confirm to access the media controls (or long click to bypass the confirmation). The media controls will automatically return to the main screen if the vehicle display turns off or the music stops. You can long click the skip track icons to skip between your favorites. If you long click on the volume down button, you will mute the sound, and if you long click the volume up it will adjust from any volume to a low volume (volume 2).

* app v4.0.0 onwards...

The compass does not turn when I try to locate my vehicle. Why?

The app uses built-in magnetometer and accelerator sensors to be able to indicate direction. Probably your watch lacks one or both sensors. The distance is calculated using the GPS coordinates and the text color shows in white color when found.

The compass and the vehicle in the background should turn individually. To find the vehicle you need to align the vehicle to the horizontal lines, like a flight instrument (HSI). The blue dot shows the North direction.

The map view connects to a vehicle in Norway. Why?

If the vehicle does not return any GPS location it will default to the demo vehicle location, which is downtown Oslo, Norway. Ie. if the app is in Sleep Mode, the vehicle will not return any GPS location.

Why is my HomeLink button greyed out?

The button becomes active when the vehicle API reports that the vehicle is close by your HomeLink location. In addition, for the command to succeed, your vehicle's GPS location is transferred as an argument to the vehicle command. For the vehicle to return any GPS location you must turn Location Sharing ON and Sleep Mode OFF in app settings.

Does the app support Summon?

Yes, basic Summon is supported. Smart Summon is currently unavailable.

PS! After converting to the new official API the Summon functionality will be temporarily unavailable until it is supported by the new API again.

Does the app support Voice Commands?

On Wear 2.x the app supports voice commands. On Wear 3.x onwards the Google Assistant shortcuts are not fully functional yet. Google tells me to wait for a future OS update…!!?

Why is the app slower compared to the official phone app?

This is a good question, but it will have several answers depending on settings, usage and watch type (LTE or not). Technically the watch app shouldn't be much slower, but the implementation is a little bit different.

1. Usually, what takes time, is to wake up the vehicle from sleep mode. The official phone app will always wake the vehicle when you start the app (you'll see the little spinning wheel before it becomes operational). The watch app will do the same only if "sleep mode" is turned off in app settings. If "sleep mode" is turned on, it will not wake up the vehicle unless a command is being sent. This "wake up" can take up to 30 seconds and feels like a delay, so this is the first thing you need to check. Commands will execute faster with "sleep mode" off. The same thing will happen if you use the Tile commands. Nothing has woken up the vehicle before the command is sent, so the app must first wake up the vehicle before it can send the command. If you have Sentry mode on, however, the vehicle is always awake and commands will feel much faster.

2. If you notice the delay only when you're close to your vehicle, then it might have to do with the Bluetooth key. The official phone app will connect through Bluetooth as soon as it detects your vehicle, assuming you have enabled the phone key. This interface bypasses Tesla's internet servers and communicates directly with the vehicle. The watch app also has this capability, so enabling the Tesla Key in the watch app will cause it to communicate with the vehicle directly. But there is a difference: The watch app does not have the battery capasity to scan for your vehicle 24/7. You therefore have to either open up the main app or swipe to one of the Tiles before it will attempt to connect over Bluetooth. This usually takes 3-5 seconds before any command can be sent. You will see "Connected" under the vehicle name in the Tile when the key is connected. PS! Please also check out the Power Mode question!

3. If your watch is connected to your phone it will always try to use the phone's internet connectivity before it eventually switches over to internal Wifi or LTE. This might also cause a little delay, but will not affect the Bluetooth key.

Error creating/opening encrypted storage...

If you get this error message, the encrypted storage on your watch is corrupt. This can happen if you reinstall the app from a backup after a watch reset. The encrypted storage is "linked" with the OS and cannot be read after a watch reset. To fix this, clear the app's cache/storage from your watch's main settings. Go to Apps, find DRIVE Electric for Tesla and clear data & buffer. Then sign in to the phone app and restart the watch app. You have to manually enter preferred settings again from the app settings and also pair the Tesla Key again.

I bought the old TizenOS version of the app a few years ago. Can I transfer it to my new Samsung WearOS watch?

Short answer: No, there is no collaboration between different ecosystems, and there is no technical way to transfer a purchased app between them. To do that, I had to offer the app free to download, but subscription-based (with monthly or annual pricing). This would make the app more profitable, but more expensive for the user in the long run. I've decided not to, as long as Tesla keeps their official API free.
The WearOS version of the app is built from the ground up, written in Java/Kotlin and will work on all Wear OS brands like Pixel, Fossil, TicWatch, Samsung etc.

Read more about it here: https://m.facebook.com/story

The Tizen version of the app is no longer for sale. If you bought it earlier and need to reinstall the app on your Tizen watch (Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 or earlier), you can find the app on Galaxy Store -> Menu -> My Apps -> DRIVE Electric for Tesla.

PS! Starting early 2024, the unofficial API used by this app will be phased out by Tesla. The Tizen app will cease to work after this!

Can this app be used with iPhones?

No, after the phase-in of the official API by Tesla, a paired Android phone is required to sign in.

Currently known issues


- For some users, the watch token needs to be renewed every day. This seems to be caused by Tesla's WAF (web application firewall) that temporarily block you if you make excessive requests. This is to prevent bots from attacking the service, either as a brute force or denial-of-service attack. If this happens to you, the best medicine so far has been to change the password at Tesla.com. As a precaution also reduce the amount of third party applications accessing your account. If you have many third party applications running, you can add a separate driver profile and use that account to connect your third party applications to.

Is my Wear OS smartwatch compatible?

Almost all smartwatches running Google Wear OS 2, 3 or 4 are compatible.

Please note that Samsung Galaxy watches older than the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 operate on a proprietary operating system called Tizen OS and are NOT compatible. Examples are: Samsung Gear S-series, Galaxy Watch, Galaxy Watch 2 (active) and Galaxy Watch 3.

List of compatible watches as of May 2024:

Smart Outdoor Watch WSD-F10


Gen 5 LTE
Gen 5e
Gen 6
Q Wander / Q Marshal / Q Founder 2.0 / Bradshaw / Dylan
Wear OS by Google Smartwatch

Pixel Watch
Pixel Watch 2
Pixel Watch 3


Watch 2

Big Bang e Gen 3
Big Bang e

G Watch R
LG Watch Sport
LG Watch Style
LG Watch W7

Louis Vuitton:
Tambour Horizon

TicWatch C2
TicWatch E2/S2
TicWatch E3
TicWatch Pro
TicWatch Pro 3
TicWatch Pro 3 GPS/LTE
TicWatch Pro 3 Ultra GPS/LTE
Ticwatch Pro 4G
Ticwatch Pro 5
Ticwatch Pro 5 Enduro
Ticwatch S Smartwatch
Ticwatch E Smartwatch

Summit 2+
Summit Lite

Moto 360

Boss Touch / TH 24/7 YOU
Movado Connect
Movado Connect 2.0

The Mission

Watch 2
Watch 2R

OPPO Watch
OPPO Watch X


Galaxy Watch4
Galaxy Watch4 Classic
Galaxy Watch5
Galaxy Watch5 Pro
Galaxy Watch6
Galaxy Watch6 Classic
Galaxy Watch7
Galaxy Watch Ultra
Galaxy Watch FE

Suunto 7

TAG Heuer:
Connected 2020
Connected Calibre E4 42mm
Connected Calibre E4 45mm
Connected Modular 41
Connected Modular 45 (China)

Verizon Wireless:

Watch 2
Watch 2 Pro
